With the variety of conveniences it offers, it is no longer surprising that online shopping has become a fad in the country today. As I see it, more and more consumers are already turning to the internet for their various needs and whim—myself included. In this regard, there are only a handful of sites that I trust. And one of my favorites would be Lazada PhilippinesPayment convenience

For this review, I will be focusing on one of the strongest suits of the site—its flexible payment methods. This is actually one of the reasons why a lot of shoppers choose Lazada for their online shopping needs. In fact, this site has been named as the Philippines’ online shopping mall just a few months after it started its operations in the country around two years ago.

In particular, I will delve on the credit card payment option. This is by far the most common and preferred method of payment in online shopping.

VISA and MasterCard

One of the best things about the credit card payment option in Lazada is the fact that it has partnered with the top names in the industry—VISA and MasterCard. These are well established companies which are trusted all over the world for the high quality of their service.

With VISA and MasterCard, I am assured of safe shopping. I know their payment lines are properly secured and getting help in case of any trouble is quite easy.


Apart from the two aforementioned companies, the site also has a local partner which is BDO. Again, this is an industry leader in the local scene.

How to do it

So now, the next question would be how to use credit card for payments. It is very simple and quick.


First of all, you must fulfill the requirements. Of course, you should be a legal holder of a credit card account of either VISA, MasterCard or BDO. Then, you also have to prepare a valid ID that is issued by the government for purposes of random verification. This is anti-spam or fraud feature.

For those who are not using their own credit card, do not fret because you can still shop in Lazada. You can give the company a ring and talk to a customer service representative to walk you through the process.

Paying for your order  

The actual payment process is pretty easy as well and it works just like in any other internet shopping site, if not simpler.

Once you have placed all your orders, proceed to checkout. There, just choose the Credit/DebitCard option as your preferred payment scheme. Confirm your order. Once you have done that, check your email because you will receive a link to the payments page. Click this link. When you see the Make Payment button, click it. Finally, you can complete the transaction through giving your correct account information. Make sure you verify all the details before submission. Once you are done, you will receive an email confirming that the company has received your payment. 

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